Finally I got to give the icefall Odin a go! It is pretty remote, located way up in the Austerdalen valley. Lars Martin and I drove of at 05.15 for a long day of glacier travel saturday morning the 29th of October. After almost 2hours of walking in the dark we got to the base of the Austerdal glacier. Yet another hour to go, and we were looking at Odin from bellow locating our route. The closer we got, the snow increased in hight and we soon realized that this was unfortunately not the day to push for it. We walked a bit farther just to satisfy our egos before turning around for the long walkout. We were back in Sogndal around 16.30, hungry, tired and myself a bit bummed we did not reach higher. The glacier will hopefully withstand till next time I got the chance without that much snow.
Getting ready at the parking lot in the dark. |
Lars approaching Odin on Austerdal glacier. |
Looking at Odin in the snowy weather. |
Lars seconding our 1/5th of Odin before returning. |
Sorry about the bad pictures, took still frames from the video.