Sunday, May 27, 2012

Jostedalen Glacier and Skitouring Trip in Hurrungane

Hi folks!

It is awhile since I last wrote anything about what I have done or been doing. Mainly because I have not been doing much the last months, but now things are starting to pick up.

I am finally starting to get back in business and ended this week with a 2 day ski touring trip in the incredibly beautiful mountain area, Hurrungane in Norway. A friend of mine and I agreed that we had to ski some more peaks in the area combined with some car camping and barbecue to set the mood on complete awesomeness.

Earlier that week I had a school trip on Jostedalsbreen, which is a huge glacier in Norway. It sums up to long days of bluebird and nature that constantly looked like postcard pictures with a great bunch of classmates.

The weather is to awesome to be sitting inside blogging at the moment, but I am promising that the next post will be kind of more detailed and soonish then this one!

Have a great day, peace and love everyone

Lunchbreak the first day

Pitching tents while the sun sets

Getting ready for the last day of skiing on the glacier
Tale skiing down Steindalsnosi the first day of Hurrungane

Our tracks down Fanaråken

Hungry for dinner!


Looking on the face that we defiantly are going to ski next time!