Sunday, April 20, 2014

Extended easter

5 friends of mine and I went down to Fontainebleau for the easter holidays. Two weeks of bouldering, cheap wine and baguettes with the occasional pain au chocolate as a treat for sending a new personal best. We suggested one of the hookers along the road as a treat too, but Magnhild wasn't keen on it. We had great weather every day and I got to see 3 or 4 new areas. Also managed to send a few 7a's with a favourite called La Grande Marche in Canche aux Merciers. We managed to deliver the rental car without any mayor damages, get to the airport in time and now I am on the train back home to see my family for a few days.

Here are some pictures from the trip

High ballin

Grodo sending another 7a

Me sending la grande marche

Barbecuing in the backyard

Magnhild trying an 7a

Slack lining, sore fingers

Tiller on the 6b+ slab

Me sending the boulder knees, 7a

Kristian sending 6b+ slab

Grodo trying a nice looking 7a

Me trying this cool 7b "fridge"

Tor Henrik sending 

The gang ready for bouldering!

Tune dinner, inspired by Yngve

One happy tiller after sending "Tanks" 7a+

Monday, April 7, 2014


I havent been blogging much about skiing lately, so here's an update on that front. Lots of things going on at the time too. Work, school and traveling. I did not know they had internet on flights. Not much else to do on them, so blogging from the flight to paris now.

Been eager on skiing a bit steeper and trying out chuts latley. I had one nice trip with Jørgen Tiltnes and Andreas Krøn a couple weeks ago. We tried a line behind frudalshesten in sogndalsdalen. A  quite cool line! A pretty hard crust made it a bit harder to ski properly though. Last week Asger and I went out to try the eastface above salen. There is a pretty cool chutes there too. Unfourtunatly the sun did not want to shine that particular day, which resulted to crampons and hard crust/ice conditions on the way down. Good edge testing conditions. I had to be down at school and do math by 12. So.. Would have been nicer later in the day!

Hurrungane after easter shold be good skiing!

Looking down in the chute

Jørgen skiing down

Looking up from the valley near borge

Asgeir booting up the chute in frudalen
Asgeir testing the edges on ice